our stuff on places

A weekend with Lighthog
Films! This Saturday and
Sunday LF is acting locally
and .....globally? with three
of our short films:
Cash Cop - A winner in
Discovery Channel's Spoof Contest, Cash Cop will
appear in the national Discovery Channel Special hosted
by Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs. Directed by Keith Hooker.
Starring Dan Triandiflou,
Mary Kraft, Leslie Sharp,
Randy Havens and Jim
Johnson. Basic cable may
never feel this basic again!
Sunday Feb. 25th 10pm,
Discovery Channel

Too Hot For Summer -- Coming
at you like the idiot-savant bastard
of Tennessee Williams and
Tennessee Ernie Ford, THFS
makes its television debut on Georgia
Public Television (WPBA30)'s Atlanta
Shorts this Saturday @ 11:30pm
and Sunday at 11am. Written and
Directed by Leslie Sharp. Starring
Leslie, Mary Kraft and Matt Stanton.
With Stacey Bode and Emma Page.
And introducing: Mrs. Robert E. Lee,
the empathetic hound dog.
Saturday Feb. 24th 11:30pm & Sunday 11am WPBA 30
And all you urban hipsters in NYC, check out Ratutu
Collaborative's "Bad Ass Shorts" Festival running this
weekend at The Creek and The Cave Theater, which
will include Lighthog Film's The Return of Dr. Rod.
Sunday LF is acting locally
and .....globally? with three
of our short films:
Cash Cop - A winner in
Discovery Channel's Spoof Contest, Cash Cop will
appear in the national Discovery Channel Special hosted
by Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs. Directed by Keith Hooker.
Mary Kraft, Leslie Sharp,
Randy Havens and Jim
Johnson. Basic cable may
never feel this basic again!
Sunday Feb. 25th 10pm,
Discovery Channel

Too Hot For Summer -- Coming
at you like the idiot-savant bastard
of Tennessee Williams and
Tennessee Ernie Ford, THFS
makes its television debut on Georgia
Public Television (WPBA30)'s Atlanta
Shorts this Saturday @ 11:30pm
and Sunday at 11am. Written and
Directed by Leslie Sharp. Starring
Leslie, Mary Kraft and Matt Stanton.
With Stacey Bode and Emma Page.
And introducing: Mrs. Robert E. Lee,
the empathetic hound dog.
Saturday Feb. 24th 11:30pm & Sunday 11am WPBA 30
And all you urban hipsters in NYC, check out Ratutu
Collaborative's "Bad Ass Shorts" Festival running this
weekend at The Creek and The Cave Theater, which
will include Lighthog Film's The Return of Dr. Rod.
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