Superstar Stephen Platinum might as well live at Push Push

"Okay, okay. So I said I was probably not going to be a monologist for the Doug Dank Project again.
But I am going to do it again.
This Saturday (April 12th) as part of the Push Push (or New Street, or whatever they're calling it) Theater's 10th anniversary celebration they are going to do a special Saturday Doug Dank.
And I'm telling stories for it.
If you came out last time, you got to hear my stories about fooling around with my friend's girlfriend in high school, me making out with Miss America, me spanking a woman to orgasm in a wrestling ring and how my wife told me she was pregnant.
This time? Well, maybe I'll talk about....
How I got someone to quit at work this week.
Taking Iron Sheik to get crack.
Pretending I was hanging out with Jackie Chan and Stone Cold to get free Italian food.
Goodness knows.
But the Doug Dank Project improvisors are fantastic, and worth the price of admission (really cheap. Like, 5 bucks cheap I think.) alone. But with me telling stories it's REALLY worth it.
So, 9 p.m. at Push Push Theater."
Yeah... Sheiky's gotta traffic that stuff back up to Route 1&9 so he can talk about other guys he hates and wants to sex up... and break their backs. ;)
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