Chris Blair is an ensemble member at Dad's Garage Theatre. And has been for a LONG TIME.
Chris Blair is also odd.
And it is even more effective, because he doesn't seem like he'd

be odd. And when i say odd, it's a good odd. It's a sneak-up-on-you-odd. It's a hilarious-odd. It's an out-of-right-field-odd. But then again, he's a regular guy. With a smart, beautiful wife. And adorable baby. And Mrs. Peepers, the world's cutest weiner dog.

His story is best told through

Dank it. Tonight.

Wednesday, the 14th.

Of all the weeks that I have to work late and miss the Dank...of course, any week I have to miss it, it's "of all the weeks..."
it was pret-ty, pret-ty fun!!
and mike schatz next week!
Who doesn't love Chris Blair. Only assholes - that's who!
Muanty - Noun. Required amount of cows put into the pot when playing poker for cows.
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