jiggle jams and puddin cups

we're headlining the first annual "Support Our Poops" show this Thursday, July 19 at the EARL! This is the biggest show we've ever booked, so we really need everyone to come out and show your support for the 80's ladies! Invite your friends! Invite your co-workers! Invite your AA sponsor! Invite everyone you know, because this is gonna be one for the books. We'll be playing all our chart topping hits, along with some newer material.
To add to the rock, we've booked three other great bands to play with us: Fox Trotsky (ATL punk rock from Alaska Records - http://myspace.com/foxtrot
BONUS NEWS: The first 40 people through the door get FREE Adult Swim action figures! That's right! For only a $5 cover charge you'll get to see 4 kick ass bands and get free toys! What more could you possibly ask for? How about free food? Do you like delicious food? Do you like waffles? What about chicken AND waffles? Of course you do! Do you like ding dongs (of both the hostess and genital variety?)? Well, then you might be in for an added treat as well! So get off your ass and support our poops this Thursday!
As always, we'll have free stickers and t-shirts for sale for the cheap-as-free price of $10. If you haven't bought a t-shirt yet, be sure and grab one at this show. Frankly, we need the money! Because...
ATTRACTIVE EIGHTIES WOMEN WILL BE RECORDING AN ALBUM IN AUGUST! That's right, all your favorite AEW tunes will soon be immortalized on COMPACT DISC and MP3! But this shit ain't free. We need some cold hard cash to get this done and every t-shirt you buy will help us tremendously. We'll be announcing more news about the album in the very near future, so keep up with all the AEW news at our website: http://attractiveeightiesw
See you all on Thursday!
Mack AKA Phoebe Cates
Charismatic frontman
Attractive Eighties Women
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