David Mamet explains:

"Why I Am No Longer a ‘Brain-Dead Liberal’"
What do you think?
(that link was working sporadically, probably too busy at the time i posted it, as it'd just been talked about on npr, so try back later if not working).
click on picture to go to a salon.com interview.
i've had brushes with the same uneasy feeling that shit just works itself out. but i'd rather be a naive utopianist that wises up than a conservative arrogant who sobers to reality. there's less apologizing.
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Oops. Typos.
So all ideologies--even your own--are flawed? And people of all persuasions sometimes react like knee-jerks and sound all snarky?
What an iconoclast.
Still, Jack Lemmon was great in Glengarry Glen Ross.
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