Sunday, January 22, 2006


Maybe everyone's already seen all this stuff, could be. I'm rarely in the know. But, since we just got a NEW COMPUTER, I can watch this stuff easily, now.
Robot Dance.

And I for some reason love this video these girls made for the Pixies' song "Hey."


Blogger cdubthebabyshooter said...

ok, now that is a dance. If that guy in the other video would have done a sweet robot dance like that all over the world, I'd be all about it. Instead, I want to hire robot-man to hunt goofy-man down (he's travelling the world, you know). when he finds him, he could bust a funky robot move, transform his arm into a plasma sword, and lop that dude's head clean off.

Oh, and those two chics could be the "whores in my bed" (to quote Black Francis) any day... but only the two of them. It's both or nothing ladies.

3:09 AM  
Blogger maryk said...

Alright, I'd like to see that.

And, Casey, I could watch you in Raydon! all damn day. Leslie, Matt and I watched it yesssserday. Laughed. A lot. "'s healed...lemme put that ...back."

12:39 AM  

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