
I hope the movie does well, even though i'm not in it. ...
I know some of my friends don't especially find Squidbillies funny. That's ok. I think it's funny. But again, I'm fully partial because it employs me part time from time to time, and hopefully for more time than less time, next season.
Yep. There will be a season 3.
Yep. There will be a Seasons 1 and 2 (together) DVD sometime this summer.
I've had a freaking blast this week filming some stuff for the special features.
Exactly the kind of stuff I wish I could do every day.
Not necessarily the same character, but, you get what i'm saying.
We did commentary over some episodes. Always a bit awkward. But they filled us full of beer and pizza and beer and beer.

He is a musician who goes by the name of "Unknown Hinson" and

He'll be at the Star Bar this Saturday night.
Like tomorrow night.
I'm going.
He has a ventriloquist doll named "Itty Bitty Hinson" that he

So excited to hear that Squidbillies is coming out on DVD! And I do hope that your character makes it into more episodes for season three. The ones that you're in tend to be my favorites.
So that's the guy who voice Early? Not at all what I expected.
Yeah, meeting Unknown was crazy. Until you get used to it all, i found myself (and others) just kinda looking around with a puzzled, yet pleased, look(s) on my(our) face(s).
There will be a ton of extras on this dvd.
lawl (i've been saying that like the whole week... what the hell?) But honestly... I think Penn Jillette helped add a new word to my personal dictionary: Massholes. :D
Good to hear about the Divduh... hopefully i'll have that Squids website I promised Dave up sometime between now and my death. x_x
Do you know anything about Squidbillies being available on iTunes? I seriously cannot wait for this DVD...
What else does Unknown do? I searched for him on but didn't see anything else that he's been in. He looks insane but in a good kind of way. I think.
People like this only exist in the South. It's one thing the South has going for it. I have to go now and worship satan via my cell phone. Let's do lunch!
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