Sunday, November 13, 2005

Post Secret

I assume most people know what Post Secret is. But for those who don't, it's a blog, and they post postcards that people send in-- mostly home-made, some very artistic/creative, and all are intensely...personal-- which share an anonymous secret.

It's amazing how many horrifying ones there are on some of the same topics. Yikes. They update the site every Sunday. One that sticks out in my mind is a postcard with a group of schoolchildren standing in a line in front of a chalkboard in a classroom with their faces blacked out, and written over the photo was something to the effect of, "I kept a student back a grade so I could flirt with his father for another year." Shazoooee.
There are no archives, so I can't re-post it here.

This one from the current posting is particularly horrifying to me:

Then there's this one:
(whatcha call one of those subtle warning flags being tossed out)


Blogger ablebody said...

whoa, maybe the serial killer guy should ram the bored husband's wife's car at the driver's side at around 90 mph. then the postcards would be more like xmas wish lists. santa=satan=stanley.

1:30 PM  
Blogger Anne Elser said...

I am SO mad at PostSecret. That motherfucker got three, THREE postcards from me and I haven't seen any of them up on his site. And one of them was about something snuggly an nice. What gives? He posts these disturbing ones instead? Is this the world I want to live in? GOD HELP ME!?!?! I would like some ATTENTION. NOW.

12:29 PM  

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